McGee Motors over all its years has sponsored more kids teams and young adult teams than anybody else that I can think of in Goderich.
Reg. McGee, its founder, was especially fond of hockey and attended every game always standing on the first set of steps leading up to the auditorium on the left side. Many kids were hosted during Young Canada Week at our home and car loads of them were taken up by Reg. to Port Albert Airport in his ’48 DeSoto and they were put behind the wheel to drive on the paved runways long before they would ever have a license.
It was a real thrill for the kids.
This picture dates back to 1956 era. And I have tried to name everybody in the picture. Two of the kids remain unnamed and its possible some of the info or spelling is incorrect, and any corrections would be welcomed. If you can name the two that would be really nice.
The picture was taken outside our dealership at 37 Hamilton street.

Back Row:
Ted Williams, Mac McDonald, Alvin McGee, Larry Chalk, (Unknown), Mike Vrooman, Ray Black, Doug Comrie, Len McGee, Reg McGee
Front Row:
Ron McCartney, Terry Griffith, Ken Thornton, Ray Jeffrey, Bill McGee, Dennis Williamson, (unknown), Jim Stevens